Suboxone® treatment:
A comprehensive guide to recovery

Table of Contents

1. What is Suboxone?
2. How Suboxone treatment works
3. Getting started with Suboxone
4. Life during Suboxone treatment
5. Suboxone in the long term
6. Benefits of Suboxone in addiction treatment
7. Common questions about Suboxone
8. Online Suboxone treatment tailored to your needs
9. Real stories: Suboxone success cases
10. How to start treatment with Ophelia

More than two million U.S. adults live with opioid use disorder (OUD), and the rates of opioid addiction and overdose have led public health officials to classify the problem as an epidemic. The good news is that there is help available.

Suboxone® is one medication used to treat OUD (important safety information). It helps minimize withdrawal symptoms and cravings that come with opioid addiction during treatment.

If you are living with OUD, you may be wondering if Suboxone can help you. This page explains exactly what Suboxone is, how it works, and who it's for. It also provides practical information on how to safely access Suboxone.

1. What is Suboxone?

Suboxone is a combination medication made up of two substances, buprenorphine and naloxone. It can be administered as a film or tablet, and is held under the tongue or in the cheek until it dissolves.

Suboxone is often prescribed as part of medications for addiction treatment (MAT) programs to address the physical components of addiction.Suboxone was first approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of OUD in 2002. Since then, it has come to be considered the "gold standard" of care for OUD treatment.

Buprenorphine activates opioid receptors, reducing withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Naloxone blocks the action of opioids at opioid receptors. Suboxone prevents cravings, lowers risk of overdose, and enables people to transition from addiction to recovery

2. How Suboxone treatment works

Suboxone's benefits for treating OUD come from the two substances it's composed of— buprenorphine and naloxone—and how these affect the brain. To understand why this combination is so effective, it helps to first learn about the physical impact opioids have.

Opioids attach to opioid receptors in the brain, blocking pain messages that would otherwise be sent to the body. This allows for short-term pain relief and leads to other effects of opioid use, like feelings of euphoria, suppressed breathing, drowsiness, and dizziness.

Diagram of buprenorphine and naloxone (Suboxone)

Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist, meaning it binds to the same receptors in the brain as an illicit opioid. However, there is an upper limit to the opioid effect it can have, so there is a much lower risk of overdose.

Naloxone is an opioid antagonist. It attaches to the opioid receptors in the brain, blocking and reversing the opioid effect. On its own, naloxone can be used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. When combined with buprenorphine, naloxone discourages intentional misuse by drug injection.

The combination of buprenorphine and naloxone in Suboxone helps cut down on withdrawal symptoms, minimizes opioid cravings, and reduces the risk of overdose. Patients are advised to stay on a stable regimen for at least a year before modifying their treatment plan. Any changes will be based on their needs and recovery capital, which includes factors like stable, positive relationships and steady employment.

Suboxone can have unwanted side effects, including sleep disruptions, gastrointestinal issues, drowsiness, and blood pressure changes. However, the medication is generally a safe and effective OUD treatment option.

It is even considered a suitable option for women who are pregnant, helping to safely break the start-and-stop cycle of withdrawal symptoms, which can otherwise be damaging to both mothers and infants. If Suboxone is not an option for a patient, there are alternatives available, like Subutex®, which only contains buprenorphine.

3. Getting started with Suboxone

Eligibility for treatment

Starting Suboxone treatment is a major step for anyone with opioid use disorder, and it’s only natural to feel some anxiety and apprehension. Properly preparing for Suboxone treatment can help the process feel easier and less stressful.

Unfortunately, you may encounter people who have a negative perception of medication-assisted treatment, some of whom may argue that it’s not possible to recover from addiction while taking maintenance medications like Suboxone. But this view is simply not backed by the medical community and addiction research. If Suboxone is helping you avoid using other opioids, rebuild relationships with friends and family, and hold down a steady job—to name just a few examples—then treatment is working.

Understanding induction

Because telehealth Suboxone treatment programs allow you to start treatment from home rather than joining an in-patient program, you should know what to expect from the induction process. Perhaps the most important thing to understand is that you need to be in a state of mild to moderate withdrawal as you start Suboxone treatment to prevent precipitated withdrawal. This typically involves waiting 24–72 hours after the last opioid use. 

Patients in this state may still experience some unpleasant side effects. But these symptoms are likely to be minor compared to cold-turkey withdrawal, which is highly uncomfortable and even dangerous. Be sure to stay hydrated and to take in plenty of electrolytes to help manage symptoms. Medical providers often prescribe comfort medications during the induction period, which will also address these symptoms.

Instead of eating regular meals, switch to several small meals per day to mitigate potential nausea as you adjust to the medication. You may also want to have some over-the-counter medications on hand to help deal with nausea, diarrhea, fever, cramps, muscle pain, anxiety, and insomnia. Avoid strenuous exercise until you feel more stable and are cleared by a healthcare provider, get as much rest as possible, and stay away from caffeine.

How to take Suboxone

Once you’ve prepared for and started treatment, you’re bound to have questions about how Suboxone actually works: how to take it, and what to do if you miss doses or feel your current dosage isn’t right. Luckily, taking Suboxone properly is fairly easy. It typically comes in a tablet or a film, both of which are taken sublingually, which means they need to be dissolved under the tongue (i.e. not swallowed). Drinking a little water before taking your dose will help the medicine dissolve easily, and the process should take around 5 to 10 minutes. Place the Suboxone as far back as possible in your mouth on the right or left side of your tongue and wait for it to dissolve without chewing or swallowing.

Once you’re done, avoid eating or drinking for another 20 minutes to allow the medication extra time to be absorbed. For some people, it’s easiest to use this time to watch a show or read a book.

Suboxone generally starts to absorb around 15 to 30 minutes after it’s completely dissolved, depending on factors unique to each individual. This matters a lot at the beginning of treatment since you’ll be in mild withdrawal, but you’ll need to worry less about how long it takes to feel the effects once you’re farther along in treatment.

Because Suboxone is a long-lasting opioid and has a much longer half-life than many other related drugs, it continues affecting your body for 24 to 48 hours after you’ve taken it, meaning you’re unlikely to experience withdrawal symptoms or other negative side effects between doses. You can expect the most noticeable effects of the drug to kick in after anywhere from an hour and 40 minutes to 4 hours after taking a dose, and these effects may last for several hours.

If you miss a dose of your regular Suboxone treatment, the drug’s long half-life means there’s no need to worry. If you notice the missed dose within approximately 12 hours of your normal time, it’s okay to take the dose immediately and adjust your regular time accordingly. If it’s been longer, the best course of action is most likely to skip the day and start again the next day at your normal time. If you go longer than a day or two without taking your Suboxone, you may begin to experience withdrawal, or you may feel cravings returning. If this happens, take your prescription as soon as possible and then continue with your treatment as normal.

Is it possible to overdose on Suboxone?

One trait of Suboxone that makes it a top contender for opioid addiction treatment is its status as a partial opioid agonist and the “ceiling effect” it has as a result. Suboxone doesn’t have scaling effects the way most other opioids do, meaning you don’t need to increase usage to get the desired result. It doesn’t slow respiration at high doses or produce the euphoric high of other drugs. 

This, plus the presence of naloxone in the drug, makes it very unlikely that a person will overdose on Suboxone. The correct dosage for you depends on several factors and will be determined by your healthcare provider before induction begins. If you believe you need to adjust your dosage of Suboxone, contact your prescribing clinician to discuss your options.

4. Life during Suboxone treatment

Lifestyle + habits

After you’ve started Suboxone treatment, it’s healthy to get into the type of routine you’d like to maintain in the long term. However, some activities can be more difficult or require special care during your treatment. Most medical professionals recommend developing a regular workout routine during treatment since it keeps your body healthy and provides extra dopamine to help with moods and happiness. 

Working out while taking Suboxone is generally safe, but the drug can cause some side effects to look out for, including headaches, an irregular heartbeat, and lightheadedness. If you experience these, switch to low-intensity workouts. As with any exercise routine, it’s important to stay hydrated while on Suboxone and report any lightheadedness or changes in heartbeat to a medical provider.

There are other recreational activities to be mindful of as well. Using hot tubs and taking hot baths can be done with caution while on Suboxone. The extra caution is due to the associated respiratory depression and decrease in blood pressure. You don’t need to give up these activities entirely; shorter sessions—no more than 15 minutes at a time—in water below 104 degrees Fahrenheit can still be safe.

Drinking alcohol is also not advised since both alcohol and Suboxone are central nervous system depressants. Additionally, the cognitive impairment caused by inebriation can compromise treatment, so alcohol should be avoided.

Managing your health

Some medical conditions will also need to be treated differently while undergoing treatment. Suboxone can lower blood pressure, so you may need to monitor yours closely, especially if you have a pre-existing cardiac condition. Pregnant people in Suboxone treatment should work closely with their healthcare providers to ensure they’re doing everything safely. Suboxone is generally considered safe during pregnancy, but pregnancy is complicated and should always be monitored when taking prescription medications.

A person’s pain management options also change during treatment. Luckily, most over-the-counter painkillers are safe to use with Suboxone, including ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen. If you experience an injury or undergo a medical procedure that requires more intensive pain relief, be transparent with all medical providers about your treatment so they can determine the best approach to your care.

Some patients who participate in Suboxone treatment experience persistent gastrointestinal symptoms, so it’s crucial to monitor your GI health. This may include adjusting a dosage, changing when you take a dose, or even making different dietary choices. There are many reasons why Suboxone might make you feel sick, so it’s important to discuss how you feel with your healthcare provider.

5. Suboxone in the long term

New patients often wonder how long Suboxone treatment will take when they first start. There isn’t always a finite end date; instead, clinicians advise patients to continue treatment for as long as they need to support their long-term health goals and establish the kind of life they want. Patients are advised to stick with their treatment for at least a year, but others may maintain their regimen for much longer. Others still will stop treatment and eventually resume their Suboxone prescription if cravings or negative habits return. This is a normal part of the process, and it’s perfectly fine to continue treatment for as long as you need to feel confident and supported.

As your treatment continues, you may notice a few long-term positive effects of Suboxone. For many people, treatment can help improve symptoms of depression, and it also increases the availability of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin helps your body regulate sleep, digestion, and libido—among other functions—leading to a higher quality of life. It may take a few weeks for these changes to become apparent, but they will help you see your treatment through to the end.

6. Benefits of Suboxone in addiction treatment

Why Suboxone works

Suboxone isn’t the only drug on the market that is approved to treat opioid addiction and misuse, but it has proven highly effective in long-term treatment scenarios and greatly reduces an individual’s risk of fatal overdose from opioids during treatment.

This risk reduction is at least partly due to the presence of an opioid antagonist in the medication’s formulation. Buprenorphine is the main component, a partial opioid agonist that has a high affinity for opioid receptors but doesn’t produce the same euphoric high that other opioids do.

Naloxone, on the other hand, is an opioid antagonist and is used in its isolated formation as a nasal spray or injectable form to reverse an opioid overdose by preferentially bonding with opioid receptors in the brain. The oral form of naloxone in Suboxone helps buprenorphine reduce the symptoms of withdrawal while fighting against a potential overdose and limiting the potential for abuse of Suboxone if the medication is manipulated and injected.

Comparing Suboxone + methadone

While Suboxone was first approved for use in the United States in 2002, one of the other popular opioid treatment options—methadone—has been around for much longer. It was first synthesized during World War II to be used as a painkiller, and it’s a long-lasting full opioid agonist. Like Suboxone, methadone doesn’t create a euphoric high when taken in large doses, but being a full opioid agonist means it has a higher potential for misuse.

Before Suboxone’s introduction, methadone was the primary drug used to treat OUD, but its abuse potential and overdose risk  has led to it being highly regulated. It must be taken on a strict schedule and under supervision, which may be disruptive or unfeasible for many patients. Because of the methadone’s higher risk of overdose it is classified as a Schedule II drug.

Other buprenorphine medications

You can also find the drug buprenorphine offered without naloxone for opioid use disorder treatment. In these cases, it’s sold under the brand name Subutex® and is used nearly identically to Suboxone. It’s a sublingual tablet taken daily, and it affects the same parts of the brain, produces similar side effects, and reduces cravings and mitigates withdrawal nearly identically (since it uses the same drug to produce these effects).

However, without naloxone included in the formulation, Subutex has a higher potential for abuse. Prescribers will likely recommend Suboxone in most scenarios, but Subutex does have its unique uses. For example, Subutex is useful if the patient is known to have a naloxone allergy, which can make Suboxone an untenable choice as a maintenance medication. Subutex may also be prescribed to patients who are pregnant and don’t want to or can’t take naloxone during the pregnancy. 

Similar to Subutex are Sublocade® and Brixadi®. These two drugs both utilize buprenorphine without naloxone, but rather than coming in the form of either a sublingual tablet or sublingual film, Sublocade and Brixadi are approved for subcutaneous injection only. While the two prescriptions function very similarly, there are some crucial differences. These come in the form of what the appropriate dosage is and how often a patient receives a dose.

Currently, the FDA has only approved Sublocade prescriptions in two specific doses. When first starting Sublocade, patients will receive an initial dose of 300 mg per month, and this typically only lasts for two months during the induction phase. After that, patients receive a maintenance dose of 100 mg per month. Each injection must be administered by a medical professional in an outpatient setting. There is currently no option to perform the doses yourself or outside of a clinic.

Brixadi follows the same general plan, but it can be given in monthly or weekly installments and comes in a wider variety of concentrations. Weekly doses range from 8 to 32 mg formulations; monthly doses come in 64, 96, and 128 mg formulations.

Neither drug has a high potential for misuse since they’re both given in medical settings only, but the lack of naloxone means overdose is still a possibility. However, sufficient levels of buprenorphine can prevent overdose. Additionally, the need to visit a clinic to receive a weekly or monthly injection may be infeasible or financially prohibitive for some people. Travel costs, time off work, and even the fear of needles can deter patients from following through with these treatments, which could result in higher rates of treatment failure. 

Suboxone isn’t even the only drug that combines buprenorphine and naloxone. Zubsolv® is a newer competitor in the market of opioid recovery drugs that contains a similar formulation of active ingredients to Suboxone and comes in the form of a sublingual tablet, but it is designed to dissolve faster than Suboxone and taste better.

Dissolving more quickly makes taking Zubsolv easier, but its performance is similar to Suboxone because they share a common key ingredient: buprenorphine. Both medications have an onset period of 30–60 minutes and a half-life between 24 and 48 hours.

7. Common questions about Suboxone

What is Suboxone?

Suboxone is a brand-name prescription medication used to treat OUD. It’s a combination of two drugs — naloxone and buprenorphine. Together, these drugs reduce the severity of a patient’s withdrawal symptoms and opioid cravings, helping them manage their OUD. 

Suboxone is an oral film that the patient can dissolve under their tongue or between their cheek and gums. The Suboxone dosage each patient receives depends on several factors, including the severity of their OUD, the amount of illicit opioids used, and how it’s metabolized.

Medical professionals should only prescribe Suboxone as part of a comprehensive OUD treatment plan. Suboxone and other medications for addiction treatment (MAT) work best in treatment plans created with a whole-person approach.

How long should you stay on Suboxone?

Since Suboxone helps quell OUD symptoms, many patients prefer to stay on the medication long-term. Your treatment team can help you determine how long to take Suboxone for and what side effects patients often experience with long-term Suboxone use. 

Long-term use side effects may include sleep disruptions, gastrointestinal issues, drowsiness, sexual side effects, and blood pressure changes. However, with consistent supervision and support from your treatment team, the medication is generally a safe and effective OUD treatment option. Speak with your treatment team if you experience any uncomfortable or prolonged side effects, as they can revisit your Suboxone dose and recommend ways to help reduce side effect symptoms.

Is Suboxone bad for your teeth?

Because Suboxone is a sublingual medicine, meaning it dissolves under your tongue or against your cheek, some patients worry Suboxone may affect their oral health

Buprenorphine has been associated with dental complications in some patients, including cavities, oral infections, tooth decay, and tooth loss. Some of this may be due to drug use preceding treatment. Regular dental care, such as flossing, brushing, and routine checkups, are recommended while on Suboxone. Taking extra steps after each dose can help minimize potential risks: Gently rinse both teeth and gums with water after the medication has completely dissolved and wait at least an hour before brushing your teeth.

Does Suboxone cause constipation?

Constipation is one of the potential side effects of using Suboxone. Patients using Suboxone may feel abdominal pain, bloating, and nausea. In more serious cases, patients have reported to experience painful bowel movements and hemorrhoids.

Suboxone can have this effect because it slows down intestine contractions, sometimes leaving patients feeling backed up. It also increases fluid absorption in the digestive tract, contributing to constipation. 

If you experience constipation as a side effect while using Suboxone, there are ways to relieve the issue, including making lifestyle or dietary changes, using over-the-counter supplements, or using laxatives/stool softeners.

Does Suboxone make you sleepy?

Patients using Suboxone sometimes experience insomnia as a side effect, which could lead to fatigue and drowsiness. Typically, this side effect goes away within a few days in the treatment program. 

If you experience consistent drowsiness or insomnia while taking Suboxone, contact your care team to see if they can help manage these side effects. Sleepiness is a symptom of Suboxone overdose, which is a rare but serious risk of using the medication. If you are experiencing sleepiness as part of a Suboxone overdose and experience other severe side effects like vomiting, irregular heartbeat, slowed breathing, and seizures, contact emergency services immediately.

Does Suboxone cause weight gain?

Weight change is a common side effect of many medications, and many patients wonder if they will experience it while taking Suboxone. Neither weight gain nor weight loss are among the most common Suboxone side effects. However, some patients do report weight gain early on in their OUD treatment journeys. 

One potential cause of weight gain is the combination of constipation and water retention, which can both be side effects of Suboxone. 

Appetite also has an impact on weight gain while using Suboxone. Some patients in OUD treatment find they have more of an appetite than they did while using opioids, leading them to gain weight as part of their Suboxone recovery.

Is it safe for pregnant women to take Suboxone?

Suboxone is considered a suitable option for women who are pregnant, helping to safely break the start-and-stop cycle of withdrawal symptoms, which can otherwise be damaging to both mothers and infants. If Suboxone is not an option for a patient, there are alternatives available, like Subutex®.

However, women who have active periods and may be able to become pregnant should speak with their care team regarding taking Suboxone. Suboxone treatment has the potential to change a person’s menstrual cycle, so some people may experience shorter, lighter periods or a different number of days between periods than they’re used to. Those looking to get pregnant should know that Suboxone can be safe for a developing fetus, especially if the alternative is the illicit use of other opioids.

Does Suboxone have sexual side effects?

Suboxone may affect patients’ sex drives. Some potential sexual side effects of MAT include:

  • Decreased libido
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Difficulty reaching orgasm
  • Lower testosterone levels in men
  • Menstrual cycle irregularities in women

So far, studies on the sexual side effects of Suboxone for both men and women have been limited. It’s unclear how common these symptoms are, so more research is needed. Side effects like menstrual cycle irregularities for women and ED for men can make it more difficult for couples to conceive. For women who are already pregnant, Suboxone is the gold standard of OUD treatment. There is no evidence that Suboxone causes adverse pregnancy or delivery outcomes.

Does Suboxone help with pain?

Buprenorphine, one of the two main drugs in Suboxone, can have a very beneficial pain-relieving effect. It blocks pain signals from the brain to the body. However, although Suboxone is not specifically FDA-approved for treating and managing pain, some specialists utilize Suboxone off-label as a safe pain management regimen. Pain relief may be an unintended side effect, but you should not rely on Suboxone for pain management during your OUD treatment. 

If you need help with pain management while on Suboxone, speak to your care team. For example, if you undergo surgery and need options other than prescription opioids for pain management, your care team may recommend options such as regional anesthetics or non-opioid analgesic solutions like ibuprofen.

Are there any medications you should not take with Suboxone?

Some medications can react and produce adverse effects when taken together. As a result, there are certain medications you should not take while using Suboxone. These medications include:

  • Sedating antihistamines like Dramamine and Benadryl
  • Benzodiazepines like Klonopin and Xanax
  • Opioids like morphine and oxycodone

Taking any of these drugs alongside Suboxone increases your chances of experiencing severe side effects. For example, combining Suboxone and sedating antihistamines can cause slowed breathing, extreme drowsiness, and, in severe cases, a coma. 

Some other medications that may interact with Suboxone include antidepressants, antibiotics, St. John’s wort, and protease inhibitors. Speak to your care team before using any new medications or drugs on your Suboxone treatment plan.

How does Suboxone interact with mental health medications?

Patients dealing with substance use disorders often have mental health concerns as well. MAT can greatly improve outcomes for such patients, but it’s important to understand how these medications interact with mental health medications. 

Combining Suboxone with antidepressants, for example, can create issues if the patient takes extra doses of the antidepressant without being monitored. Anti-anxiety medications can also produce adverse effects when taken with Suboxone. However these combinations are typically safe.

Side effects of combining Suboxone and mental health medications vary. Consult your care team for the best mental health treatment options while taking Suboxone.

Does Suboxone affect cholesterol or blood pressure?

If you’re currently on medication for high cholesterol, you may wonder whether you can take Suboxone at the same time. Fortunately, Suboxone is shown to have minimal interaction with commonly prescribed statins. Since high cholesterol and blood pressure issues can co-occur, it’s also important to note that patients just starting a Suboxone regimen may experience a blood pressure spike, but that increase is due to the withdrawal state and not the medication.

Before starting Suboxone treatment, talk to your care team about all your medications, including cholesterol and blood pressure medications. Your care team will find a way to manage your heart health and your OUD while reducing your risks of adverse side effects and ensuring a safe treatment plan.

How does Suboxone interact with anticonvulsants?

Anticonvulsants like gabapentin prevent seizures and convulsions. Suboxone and gabapentin are both central nervous system depressants, so can you take them together?

The answer is yes, you can take suboxone and anticonvulsants while on a treatment plan. However, this combination can only be administered under careful care from your treatment team. Since Suboxone and anticonvulsants can depress the nervous system, patients may experience side effects like slowed breathing or a low heart rate. Therefore, taking Suboxone and an anticonvulsant together is safe under the recommendation and supervision of a doctor.

Can you use Suboxone and Ozempic® together?

Ozempic is a diabetes medication prescribed off-label for weight loss, but can you use Ozempic with Suboxone?

So far, there is no evidence that Suboxone and Ozempic together produce any adverse effects, but more research is needed. If you use both drugs, monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol closely. Sudden drops in one or both may indicate that you should adjust your medication dosages.

Does Suboxone affect ADHD medication?

Adderall is a prescription ADHD medication that increases dopamine levels. It’s technically a central nervous system stimulant. Since Adderall has a potential for being overused, your care team will monitor you while using Suboxone and Adderall together

Patients in treatment for OUD should avoid medication with overuse potential whenever possible, even if they aren’t opioids. If you take ADHD medications and are considering the Suboxone benefits for OUD, your care team may find a solution that balances both concerns.

8. Online Suboxone treatment tailored to your needs

If you have any other questions or concerns about Suboxone and MAT, reach out to Ophelia. Our team is committed to providing customized, accessible Suboxone treatment to patients with OUD in a growing number of states. Your dedicated care team will devise a treatment that considers all factors of your health and lifestyle to give you the best possible support.

9. Real stories: Suboxone success cases

"I got on Suboxone, cravings and urges all started going away. It finally allowed me to focus on other things in life other than just getting high and let me tell you....there is so much more to life than we could ever think of in active addiction."
Read more patient storiesRead our Google reviews

10. How to start with Suboxone

If you are interested in Suboxone for OUD treatment, you may be wondering where to start. Luckily, the rise of telehealth has made it easier to obtain this kind of care in America than in the past.

Telemedicine gives people better access to addiction care experts, wherever they're located. This can be especially beneficial for patients living in rural areas, which have historically been affected by a lack of access to care.

Telehealth can also make it easier to receive treatment with greater privacy. Further, Suboxone reviews and research even indicate that telehealth OUD programs have a greater patient retention rate compared to in-person programs.

Ophelia is one option for people seeking online Suboxone treatment. The process starts with a welcome call to answer your questions and explain the process. The enrollment team will help you fill out the paperwork and check your insurance to see if you're covered (Ophelia is in network with a number of insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid).

Medicare logo

You will then have an initial visit with a clinician, who will help design a program for your OUD. If you and your clinician decide Suboxone should be part of your care plan, they will send a prescription to your local pharmacy for you to pick up.

Once you have your prescription, your clinician will instruct you on how to use the medication, and you can begin your induction. You may experience some withdrawal symptoms, so your clinician will also schedule a check-in call to provide the support you need, including comfort medication to manage symptoms.

Following your induction, you will have weekly calls with your clinician. The care team will also provide support for related mental health conditions, like anxiety and insomnia, which may go hand-in-hand with OUD. These holistic care options are voluntary and available at no extra cost.

With Ophelia, your visits take place on Zoom. You'll also be able to reach your care coordination team via call, text, or email. This makes treatment more convenient and accessible.

Ophelia even allows for at-home drug testing. An unmarked package is delivered to your door with the testing materials. You log on for a video chat with your clinician and open the sealed urine cup on video with them. You then complete the test in the privacy of your own bathroom (not on camera) and return to the video chat to show your clinician the results.

If you think Ophelia may be for you, the first step is to confirm that you're an eligible candidate. This requires answering a few quick questions online (five minutes of your time) followed by a free 15-minute welcome call. Start your Suboxone recovery.

Reviewed by world-leading medical experts

Image of Dr. Arthur Robin Williams

Dr. Arthur Robin Williams

Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Arthur Robin Williams is a codesigner of Ophelia and brings a wealth of knowledge on substance use disorders. Currently, he is an academic addiction psychiatrist, and a Research Scientist at New York State Psychiatric Institute supported with NIH, SAMHSA, and CDC funding. He has served as an expert speaker or consultant to the NIH HEAL Initiative, the National Quality Forum, and the American Psychiatric Association to aide quality measure development efforts for the opioid crisis under the OUD Cascade of Care framework.

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