Data Brief

Characteristics, care measures, and clinical outcomes of insured Ophelia patients

Christopher Rowe, PhD
Christopher Rowe, PhD
Ophelia team
Ophelia team


Ophelia is a virtual-first telehealth provider of evidence-based treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD). We have treated over 10,000 patients across 14 states and are committed to making quality OUD care universally accessible. The majority of our patients get their treatment costs 100% covered – 65% of them using Medicaid. The Ophelia Care Model is a team-based clinical model emphasizing coordinated and collaborative care for OUD developed by leading experts in addiction medicine and psychiatry. In their first month of care, patients complete an average of four real-time clinical visits and have an average of 70 touch points across 16 days with our care coordination team. Ophelia is committed to empirical evaluation of patients' clinical outcomes, with 79% of patients retained in care and 97% negative for opioids via urine drug screen 180 days after starting treatment.

Ophelia's insured patients and online opioid addiction treatment statistics

Ophelia's insured patients and online opioid addiction treatment statistics
Ophelia's insured patients and online opioid addiction treatment statistics


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