
We're making life without opioids easier to achieve

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No judgment. No stigma.

Round-the-clock care from people that get you
Treatment that fits into your life, not the other way around
Private, affordable, and fast
Illustration of a man holding a white phone, on a phone call
Convenient online Suboxone treatment in Pittsburgh

Schedule a free welcome call to learn more about our program and ask questions. Once you’re enrolled, treatment is on your terms:

Skip the line at the Suboxone clinic with online care team visits (no travel required)
A Suboxone prescription sent to your local pharmacy (important safety information)
7-days-a-week access to Ophelia, so support is always within reach
Get affordable + accessible Suboxone treatment in Pittsburgh
We accept a wide range of insurances that cover the cost of online Suboxone treatment. These are just some of the many insurance plans we work with in Pennsylvania:
Pennsylvania Medicaid
Keystone First Health Plan
Geisinger Health Plan
Capital Blue Cross
Highmark Wholecare

Don’t have coverage? We offer transparent out-of-pocket pricing.

The most effective treatment for opioid use disorder in Pennsylvania

Medications for addiction treatment (MAT), like Suboxone, are the gold standard of care for opioid use disorder according to the UN, CDC, NIH, SAMHSA, and AMA.

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They are absolutely amazing. They are there for you immediately. It saved my life.
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Ophelia gave me my life back. The treatment plan has been awesome. I would highly recommend.
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Ophelia can help you and pull you up from the bottom. I'm a testament of what they can do.
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Our Pennsylvania Suboxone doctors are ready to help you on your terms

Your clinical team consists of clinicians, nurses, care coordinators, and peers, who have either been in your shoes, or who have worked closely with people who have.

Meet the team
Portrait of middle-aged man in a white shirt smiling at the cameraPortrait of younger woman with black hair and black shirt smiling at the camera
Portrait of older woman with short hair and glasses smiling at the cameraZak clinician homepage photo

Addressing the opioid epidemic in Pittsburgh

The opioid epidemic in Pittsburgh, PA has had devastating effects on the community. Over the past decade, the city has seen a significant increase in opioid addiction and related deaths. The accessibility and affordability of opioids, such as prescription painkillers and heroin, have contributed to the widespread problem. Many individuals who initially became addicted to prescription medications have turned to heroin as a cheaper alternative. The opioid epidemic has strained healthcare resources and overwhelmed treatment facilities in Pittsburgh. However, with the introduction of Ophelia there is hope for those struggling with this epidemic. We offer accessible and personalized medications for addiction treatment (MAT) to help individuals overcome their addiction and regain control of their lives.

Opioid addiction is treatable
Opioid addiction is treatable
Opioid addiction is treatable
Opioid addiction is treatable
Opioid addiction is treatable
Opioid addiction is treatable
Opioid addiction is treatable
Opioid addiction is treatable

Frequently asked questions

Who is eligible for treatment at Ophelia?

People regularly using opioids who want to control or stop their use as well as those who don't need a higher level of care for acute medical or psychiatric issues.

What medications does Ophelia prescribe?

At the moment, Ophelia clinicians primarily prescribe Suboxone or the generic Buprenorphine + Naloxone combination. We can also prescribe medication for symptoms related to withdrawal during induction, such as nausea or trouble sleeping, and medication for depressive, anxiety, and insomnia disorders.

Is Ophelia confidential?

Ophelia is 100% committed to your privacy and confidentiality. We will never share your information with anyone without your permission, including your employer. Read more about our Notice of Privacy Practices here.

What is Suboxone?

Suboxone is a combination medication of Buprenorphine and Naloxone. It’s a partial opioid that binds to the same receptors in the brain as traditional opioids and reduces cravings and withdrawal symptoms but does not produce the same “high” at a therapeutic dosage, so you can feel physically healthy and remain clear-headed all day.

How much does treatment cost?

The subscription-based service costs $195 a month without insurance. It includes: all Ophelia clinician visits via video calls, Suboxone management, and ongoing support from the dedicated Ophelia care team.

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